
Comenius Power Point. (click to view). 

Jan Amos Komenský (nombre en checo pronunciado), en latín Comenius, derivando actualmente en el apellido Commentz (Uherský Brod, Moravia, 28 de marzo de 1592 - Ámsterdam, 15 de noviembre de 1670) fue un teólogo, filósofo y pedagogo nacido en la actual República Checa. Fue un hombre cosmopolita y universal, convencido del importante papel de la educación en el desarrollo del hombre. La obra que le dio fama por toda Europa y es considerada como la más importante es Didáctica Magna, y su primera edición apareció en el año de 1679. Le dio real importancia al estudio de las lenguas y creó una obra llamada Puerta Abierta a las Lenguas.

Se le conoce como el Padre de la Pedagogía, ya que fue quien la estructuró como ciencia autónoma y estableció sus primeros principios fundamentales. En su obra ¨Las Nuevas Realidades¨, Peter Drucker realza la posición de Comenio como el inventor del libro de texto, en un intento (exitoso por cierto) de incentivar la autonomía del proceso formativo para evitar que el gobierno católico eliminara del todo al protestantismo en la República Checa. ¨Si la gente lee la biblia en casa, no podrán confundirse¨ fue el pensamiento de Comenio.

Los grandes aportes realizados a la Pedagogía, sus viajes por diferentes países de Europa (en muchos de ellos, invitado por reyes y gobernadores), y la alta preparación y constancia en su labor de educar, le valieron el título de "Maestro de Naciones".

Who was Comenius?


Jan Amos Comenius was born in 1592 in Moravia in the Bohemian Kingdom, now within the Czech Republic. He studied theology and philosophy and was ordained as a minister in the Bohemian Brotherhood. He married and became a teacher and preacher.

Bohemia was defeated in 1620 during the Thirty Years war. Comenius lost his wife and two young children to the plague and was himself forced to flee persecution. After much wandering, Comenius was adopted by the rich merchant family de Geer in Amsterdam. Here he worked on his theological, philosophical and educational work until his death in 1670.

What is he famous for?

Comenius is especially remembered for his idea that the proper education of young people is of prime importance. In schools, everyone must be taught everything. He developed a school and teaching system which was later built on by others including Rousseau, Frobel, Pestalozzi and Montessori.

Comenius also studied and wrote about theology, philosophy, cartography, astronomy, music, languages and medicine.

Comenius is forgotten and re-discovered

Comenius had joined the Wallonian (French-speaking) Church and his body was buried in the Wallonian church in Naarden. His grave became forgotten and neglected after the church was dissolved in 1819. Much later, the Czechoslovakian Government launched a search for his last resting place, and in 1929 Czech and Dutch scholars found his grave in Naarden. The dilapidated church was restored and turned into a Comenius Mausoleum whilst a Comenius museum was set up next door.

Much of the above information was obtained from the Comenius Museum website,